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Saturday 16 April 2016

Petition to demand on-line voting in industrial action ballots

MPs could be voting on an important amendment to the Trade Union Bill in just a matter of days. They will be deciding whether to allow trade unions to use on-line voting for industrial actions, which is currently banned. The government is acting like it has a huge majority, but in reality its majority is only 12, which means there's a good chance we can make sure this important change to the bill is approved.

On-line voting is a sensible reform to existing trade union law. It would make it easier, cheaper and probably increase turnout in union ballots, making votes more democratic and increase their legitimacy: no wonder the government wants to stop it.

Cameron’s government is handing big business and dodgy employers a golden opportunity to weaken our rights at work and treat workers unfairly. But if we can force the government to accept the Lords amendment on on-line voting, we can help our unions fight back.

Send a message to your MP here.

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