There are three elements to the meaning of white poppies:
- Remembrance for all victims of war.
- A commitment to work for a world where conflicts are resolved without violence and with justice.
- A challenge to attempts to glamorise or celebrate war.
Throughout history there always have been non-combatant deaths in war, but in modern warfare, most casualties are civilians. The red poppy specifically commemorates British and Commonwealth military casualties, but the white poppy commemorates all victims of war. Some people wear both.
They are distributed by the Peace Pledge Union (PPU). You can get white poppies:
- Direct from the PPU here.
- From News From Nowhere, 96 Bold Street, Liverpool L1 4HY.
- From Merseyside CND, 151 Dale Street, Liverpool, L2 2AH.
Neville Grundy
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